Frisco Roofing Contractor Hail Damage

Frisco, TX

If you’re a homeowner in Frisco, Texas, you know how unpredictable the weather can be. One moment, it’s sunny and warm, and the next, you’re caught in a hailstorm. While hailstorms may be fascinating to watch from inside your home, they can cause significant damage to your roof. 

As a Frisco roofing contractor, we’ve seen the devastating effects of hail damage on roofs firsthand. That’s why we urge homeowners to take hail damage seriously and act quickly to prevent further damage. In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of addressing hail damage and why you should hire a professional roofing contractor to inspect and repair your roof.

What is Hail Damage?

Hail is a type of precipitation that consists of balls of ice. Hailstones can range in size from small pellets to large chunks the size of a baseball. When hailstones hit your roof, they can cause damage to the shingles, gutters, and other parts of your roof. 

Some of the signs of hail damage on a roof include dented or cracked shingles, granule loss, and bruising or cracking on the shingle surface. These damages may seem small, but they can lead to bigger problems like leaks and water damage if left unaddressed.

Why Should You Address Hail Damage?

Ignoring hail damage can lead to serious consequences for your home. Here are some reasons why you should address hail damage as soon as possible: 

1. Prevent Water Damage: Hail damage can create openings in your roof that allow water to seep into your home. Over time, this water can cause rot, mold, and other types of water damage that can be costly to repair. 

2. Preserve the Lifespan of Your Roof: Hail damage can shorten the lifespan of your roof. If left unaddressed, the damage can worsen over time, leading to the need for a full roof replacement. 

3. Maintain Your Home’s Value: A damaged roof can detract from your home’s curb appeal and lower its value. By addressing hail damage promptly, you can maintain your home’s value and prevent further damage.

Why Hire a Professional Frisco Roofing Contractor?

While it may be tempting to try and repair hail damage on your own, we strongly advise against it. Repairing a damaged roof requires specialized skills, knowledge, and equipment that only a professional roofing contractor can provide. Here are some reasons why you should hire a professional Frisco roofing contractor to inspect and repair your roof: 

1. Safety: Repairing a damaged roof can be dangerous, especially if you’re not experienced in working at heights. Professional Frisco roofing contractors have the proper safety equipment and training to work on your roof safely.

2. Expertise: Frisco roofing contractors have the knowledge and expertise to identify all types of damage, including damage that may not be visible to the untrained eye. They can also recommend the best repair options based on the extent of the damage. 

3. Quality Workmanship: Professional roofing contractors have the tools and materials needed to repair your roof properly. They can also ensure that the repair work is done to code and meets industry standards.

4. Insurance Claims: If you have homeowner’s insurance, a professional roofing contractor can help you navigate the insurance claims process. They can provide documentation of the damage and work with your insurance company to ensure that you receive the compensation you’re entitled to. 

5. Warranty: Professional roofing contractors offer warranties on their workmanship, which means that if something goes wrong with the repair work, they’ll fix it at no additional cost to you.


Hail damage may seem like a minor issue, but it can have serious consequences for your home. By addressing hail damage promptly and hiring a professional Frisco roofing contractor, you can prevent further damage, preserve the lifespan of your roof, and maintain your home’s value. If you had a hit your house, please feel reach out to us as a local Frisco roofing contractor. You want to have it inspected before you file a claim with your insurance company because if there isn’t damage you don’t want to have a zero dollar claim filed.

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